type Milestone

Milestone related to a project.

field url : string

URL to milestone.

field html_url : string as htmlUrl

HTML URL for milestone.

field labels_url : string as labelsUrl

URL to labels for milestone.

field id : u64

Identifier of milestone.

field number : u64

Number of the milestone.

field state : State

State of the milestone.

field title : string

Title of the milestone.

field description : string

Description of the milestone.

field creator : c :: User

Creator of milestone.

field open_issues : u64 as openIssues

Number of open issues associated with the milestone.

field closed_issues : u64 as closedIssues

Number of closed issues associated with the milestone.

field created_at : datetime as createdAt

When the milestone was created.

field updated_at : datetime as updatedAt

When the milestone was last updated.

field closed_at ? : datetime as closedAt

When the milestone was closed.

field due_on ? : datetime as dueOn

When the milestone is due.